Tulips and wax bouquet


Tulips and wax bouquet

Le Jardin de Mathilde offers you its tulips and wax bouquet.

Composed of tulips and wax. Color of the tulips to the choice of the florist and according to our availabilities.



  • Cold water in a wide vase
  • 2 inches or 5-6 cm of water maximum
  • Keep the water level up by refilling as you go


WARNING there is no vase option at $16.95 possible with this bouquet.

The vase shown in the picture is theKatana model (5 x 6.75″).

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Tulips and wax bouquet

Le Jardin de Mathilde offers you its tulips and wax bouquet.

Composed of tulips and wax. Color of the tulips to the choice of the florist and according to our availabilities.



  • Cold water in a wide vase
  • 2 inches or 5-6 cm of water maximum
  • Keep the water level up by refilling as you go


WARNING there is no vase option at $16.95 possible with this bouquet.

The vase shown in the picture is theKatana model (5 x 6.75″).

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