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- The bloemen box (DIY flower box)
- Wedding
- Wedding price list 2022
- 10″ palm tree
- 10″ Philodendron selloum
- 10″ spindle palm
- 14″ orange calamondin bush
- 16″ orange calamondin bush
- 2.5″ white ceramic oriental pot cover
- 2.75″ blue Zig Zag pot cover
- 3.5″ pickle plant
- 3″ green leaf pot cover
- 4” Calathea Orbifolia
- 4” Italian pine
- 4” Philodendron Rojo Congo
- 4” Saint Paulia
- 4” spider plant
- 4″ Aloe Vera
- 4″ angel wing begonia
- 4″ Dragon Finger Sanseviere
- 4″ Ivy
- 4″ Red Fittonia
- 4″ Red Maranta
- 4″ succulents of florist’s choices
- 4″ White Cyclamen
- 5” Hoya carnosa panache
- 5” Philodendron Brazil
- 5″ sand key planter
- 6 inch Zamioculcas Chameleon
- 6.5″ leaf print planter
- 6″ Begonia maculata
- 6″ crocodile fern
- 6″ Lipstick Plant
- 6″ pink ceramic flower pot cover
- 7″ cream ceramic ribbed pot cover
- 8″ absorbent cotton
- Abby Macrame
- Abby Wreath
- Acroclinium pink 50cm dried flowers.
- Agalonema Diamond Bay 10’’
- Aglaonema Chocolate 6’’
- Aglaonema Cutlass 6’’
- Aglaonema dezzle gem 5″
- Aglaonema Etta 6’’
- Aglaonema Etta Rose 5″
- Aglaonema gelly red 3.5″
- Aglaonema miss Juliette 6″
- Aglaonema pink princess 5″
- Aglaonema red gold 4″
- Aglaonema Red Valentine
- Aglaonema Siam 6’’
- Aglaonema Sparkling Sarah 8″
- Aglaonema star 3.5″
- Aglaonema super maria 5”
- Aglaonema Tigress 6’’
- Agloaenama golden Madonna 6″
- Agloenema Green papaya 10″
- Agrostis séchés
- Algerian Ivy 3.5”
- Alix Wreath
- Almost black roses
- Alocasia Calidora 10’’
- Alocasia Frydek 3.5″
- Alocasia pink dragon 7″
- Alocasia Polly 4″
- Aloe Black Gem 4’’
- Aloe Vera 10″
- Aloe Vera 2.5″
- Amnesia Rose Bouquet
- Anastasia Bouquet
- Anthurium 14″
- Anthurium 4″
- Anthurium burgundy 6’’
- Anthurium Zizou 4’’
- Aphelandra 4″
- Aralia elegantissima 8″
- Aralia fatsia japonica 6”
- Aralia Ming 4″
- Aralia Ming 6″
- Araucaria 8″
- Ariane Wreath
- Asparagus preserved whitens
- Asplenium nidus avi 4″
- Assorted fern 5”.
- Assorted ferns in 6” hanging basket
- Assorted succulents 3.5”.
- Autumn Bouquet in Bruges
- Avoine pourpre 70 cm
- Avoine Rose Fushia
- Azalea selection 6″
- Bamboo chamamadorea florida hybride 10″
- Begonia angel medora 6’’
- Begonia raja 4″
- Begonia Reiger
- Begonia rex assorted 3.5″
- Beige dried flower bouquet
- Beige pot cover decor
- Birch stems
- Black Soap Spray Marius Fabre 500 Ml
- Blé blanchi 70 cm
- Bohemian planter
- Boho Style Bridal Bouquet
- Boho Style Wedding
- Bol Ciotola Galestro 25 cm
- Bol en terre cuite Umbra 18cm
- Bol en terre cuite Volcano Graff
- Boudoir hoop
- Bougainvillea 10″
- Boule transparente de Noel
- Bouquet Amaretto
- Bouquet Chrysanthèmes Avignon
- Bouquet de fleurs séchées Babacool
- Bouquet de fleurs séchées blanches
- Bouquet de fleurs séchées Boho
- Bouquet de fleurs séchées Champs Élysée
- Bouquet de fleurs séchées de Mathilde
- Bouquet de fleurs séchées La casa de Valencia
- Bouquet de fleurs séchées le Lunaria
- Bouquet de fleurs séchées le Pompadour
- Bouquet de fleurs séchées Noël à Québec
- Bouquet de fleurs séchées Noël à Vienne
- Bouquet de fleurs séchées Noël de Mathilde
- Bouquet de fleurs séchées roses et blanches
- Bouquet de fleurs séchées Saint James
- Bouquet de fleurs séchées Salon de Provence
- Bouquet Douceur du Printemps
- Bouquet du jour !
- Bouquet frais Hemmingford
- Bouquet gypsophile frais Indian Summer
- Bouquet of Chamomile
- Bouquet of Coral Peonies Charm
- Bouquet of dried flowers Bangkok
- Bouquet of dried flowers Christmas in Bali
- Bouquet of dried flowers le Provencal
- Bouquet of Ranunculus
- Bouquet of Roses
- Bouquet of white flowers
- Bouquet of white roses
- Bouquet Phalaris Blanchi
- Bouquet Place Vendome
- Bouquet Sapinage Mix
- Bouquet sec couleurs chaudes
- Bouquet sec Olivia
- Bouquet Triticum Rose ou blé 70cm
- Bouquet Voyage en Espagne
- Bouquet Week end en Hollande
- Box fleurs séchées
- Branches de bouleau du Québec
- Breton wreath
- Breynia Snow Bush 4″
- Breynia Snow Bush 4″
- Briza Maxima fleurs séchées.
- Bubble gum bouquet
- Cache pot Expresso cream
- Cache pot 4’’ Dark Stone
- Cache pot anse
- Cache pot béton 2.5″
- Cache pot béton tulipe
- Cache pot Blanc
- Cache pot bleu sur pieds
- cache pot bol suspendu 5’’
- cache pot bol suspendu 6.5’’
- Cache pot caribe 4.75″
- Cache pot croix gris clair 4”
- Cache pot Dicova
- Cache pot fleur céramique blanc 5”
- Cache pot Gris-Bleu
- Cache pot Kuala blanc
- Cache Pot Lilas
- Cache pot noir
- Cache pot Olive 5’’
- Cache pot Panier Gris
- Cache Pot pastel color
- Cache pot pattern Métal
- Cache pot sableux suspendu 4″
- Cache pot Silvi Ogives 4.5”
- Cache pot Stockholm
- Cache pot Terracotta 2.5 pouces
- Cache pot texture grey 7 pouces
- Cache-pot Alaska
- Cache-pot Anthrazit 5’’
- Cache-pot Delphi
- Cache-pot Gline 5.5’’
- Cache-pot VANNA 6″
- Cactus – Succulent 2.5″ at florist’s choice.
- Cactus at the florist’s choice
- Cactus cartoon 6″
- Cactus Epiphyllum angulier 4’’
- Cactus Fairy Castle 2.5’’
- Cactus garden in 7” clay pot
- Cactus garden in a 5” terra cotta pot
- Cactus in terracotta pot
- Caladium 6.5″
- Caladium hilo beauty 3.5″
- Calamondin 8″
- Calathea 6” Medallion
- Calathea Borussica
- Calathea Exotica 6.5”
- Calathea flamstars 4″
- Calathea illustrious 3.5″
- Calathea makoyana 3.5″
- Calathea Makoyana 6.5”
- Calathea ornata 6″
- Calathea rosea picta 3.5″
- Calathea Vittata 8”
- Callisia rosato Pink Lady 4’’
- Camelia Charles sargent 10″
- Carolina Sapphire/Gemprey Package
- Centre de table de Noël
- Ceramic Vase
- Ceramic vase
- Cerceau Eucalyptus préservé
- Ceropegia heart 5″
- Ceropegia heart 6″
- Ceropegia woodii 6″
- Chlorophytum green – 10” spider plant in hanging basket
- Chlorophytum Reversed – 10” spider plant in hanging basket
- Chlorophytum reversed 6″
- Chlorophytum spider 6″
- Christmas Centerpiece
- Christmas on the Champs-Elysées bouquet
- Christmas wreaths at Rennes
- Cissus rhoicissus 6″ hanging basket
- Cleistocactus 4’’
- Clématites Bleu séchées
- Clivia miniata
- Clotilde hoop
- Clusia rosea 3.5″
- Cocotte on stem
- coffee tree in a 10 inch pot
- Colorful Phalaris
- Cotton stem
- Cotyledon Orbiculata Takbok 3.5″
- Couronne d’Hiver
- Couronne rouge d’automne
- Craspedia and dried eucalyptus
- Crassula Gollum 4”
- Crassula Jade 4’’
- Crassula Jade 6”
- Crassula ovata sunset 5″
- Croton batik 6″
- Croton magnificent 10″
- Croton Petra 10’’
- Croton Petra 6 inch
- Crown Workshop
- Cryptanthus 4”
- Cryptanthus 4”
- Cryptanthus 4”
- Ctenanthe Lubbersiana 10″
- Cupressus Cypress
- Cupressus Cypress with snow
- Customized roses bouquet
- Cyanosis Teddy bear 6″
- Daisy Bouquet
- Dame Jeanne
- Davalia fern 6″
- Décoration Safari
- Decorative stones 2kg
- Demetria pot cover
- Diamond macrame
- Dianthus pink kisses 4.5″
- Dieffenbachia 10″
- Dieffenbachia 4″
- Dieffenbachia Camouflage 10’’
- Dieffenbachia Marianne 6″
- Dieffenbachia Panther 8’’
- Dipladenia 10″
- Dischidia 3.5’’
- Dracaena 10″
- Dracaena 3 trunks 10”
- Dracaena 6″ lime
- Dracaena cintho 3.5’’
- Dracaena jade jewel 6″
- Dracaena Janet Craig 10’’
- Dracaena Janet Craig 6 inches
- Dracaena lime 7’’
- Dracaena marginata 3.5
- Dracaena mass cane 10″ selection
- Dracaena mass cane 2 trunk 10″
- Dracaena mass canne 12’’
- Dracaena Massangeanna 10’’
- Dracaena Warneckii 6’’
- Dragon fruit 4’’
- Dried barley bouquet
- Dried bear grass
- Dried colored baby’s breath
- Dried Delphinium
- Dried Eryngium copper
- Dried Eucalyptus
- Dried Eucalyptus Populus
- Dried flowers bouquet Country
- Dried flowers bouquet Honey
- Dried fruit slices
- Dried Gypsophila
- Dried Gypsophila
- Dried Italian ruscus
- Dried lavender bouquet
- Dried mimosa
- Dried oat bouquet
- Dried ranunculus
- Dried red linum
- Dried Ruscus Israel
- Dried Stipa
- Dried sunflowers
- Dried wheat from Quebec
- Duo Macrame
- Echeveria prolifera 6”in hanging basket
- Echinocereus 6” in hanging basket
- Electronic gift card
- Embossed pot cover
- English Ivy 3.5″
- Epiphyllum 6” in hanging basket
- Eucalyptus at the bunch
- Eucalyptus parvifolia
- Eucalyptus petite feuille séché
- Euphorbe acrurensis 4’’
- Euphorbe trigona
- Euphorbia tirucalli 10″
- Eve’s bouquet
- Fafard Agro mix 107 litres.
- Fafard potting soil for indoor plants
- Fanion dentelle 2.5m
- Fatshedera 4”
- Feline Macrame
- Feuille de palmier séchée
- Feuille de palmier séchée Rose
- Ficus annulata 6″
- Ficus Audrey 5”
- Ficus Audrey 6’’
- Ficus Audrey 7”
- ficus benjamina 6 inches
- Ficus elastica 8″
- Ficus elastica 8″
- Ficus Elastica Burgundy
- Ficus elastica melany 3.5″
- Ficus elastica Melany 6″
- Ficus elastica ruby 3.5″
- Ficus elastica Ruby 7″
- Ficus Elastica Sophia 5”
- Ficus elastica Tineke 5”
- Ficus Elastica variegated pink and white
- Ficus ginseng 6″
- Ficus Ginseng Bonsai 8”
- Ficus Ginseng in 5.5” clay pot
- Ficus Lyrata 10’’
- Ficus lyrata 10″
- Ficus Lyrata 5″
- Ficus retusa 8″
- Ficus Shivereana Moonshine 3.5″
- Fittonia Josan 4’’
- Floral subscription
- Floral subscription $60
- Flowers Cushion
- Flowers of the florist’s choice
- Foam block
- fougères blanches préservées
- Freedom Red Rose Bouquet
- Fresh eucalyptus and gypsophila bouquet
- fresh fruit wreath
- Fresh Gypsophila
- Funeral Arrangement
- Funeral cushion
- Funeral urn arrangement
- Gaultheria or wintergreen 4
- Gerbera 4.5″
- Gerbera alliance and eucalyptus
- Gibasis – 6″ Bridal Veil
- Gift card
- Glaïeul au choix du fleuriste
- Gold metal hoop
- Grapefruit tree 5 gallons
- Green Maranta 10’’
- Grey and blue Terrazzo planter
- Grey ceramic pot cover
- Ground cherries Preserved Bleached
- Gypsophila and dried Eucalyptus bouquet
- Gypsophile at the bunch
- Hammam dry oil set
- Hanging Macrame 8 inches
- Hanging macrame armchair
- Hatiora bambusoides 6″
- Hawortia 2.5″
- Hedera Marengo 12” on lattice
- Hedera Marengo 6’’
- Hedera Montgomery 6’’
- Helichrysum orange séchés
- Hellebores 6 inches
- Herbe de la Pampa séchée Curry
- Hibiscus 6″
- Hortensia rouge préservé éternel
- Hortensia séché
- Hortensias vert du Québec séchés
- Hoya australis green 3.5”
- Hoya Australis Lisa hanging basket 6″
- Hoya carnosa 3.5″
- Hoya carnosa 3.5″ variegated
- Hoya carnosa 4” hanging
- Hoya Carnosa 4” in hanging basket
- Hoya carnosa 6” hanging
- Hoya carnosa panache 8″
- Hoya carnosa Variegata 8’’ hanging
- Hoya compacta Hindu Rope 3.5’’
- Hoya heart Hanging basket 6”
- Hoya Hindu rope 8″
- Hoya Kerri 6’’
- Hoya kerrii cœur 2.5″
- Hydrocotyle vulgaris 3.5’’
- Hydrocotyle vulgaris hanging basket 6″
- Hypoestes 3.5”
- Hypoestes 4″
- Inca pot cover
- Italian Ranunculus bouquet
- Ivy 10″
- Ivy 3.5″
- Ivy 6″
- Ivy in 6” topiary
- Jardin des tuileries bouquet
- Jardinière Carré Bois et Métal
- Jardinière en Bois
- Jasmine
- Jasmine sambac
- Jeannie’s bouquet
- JM Macrame
- Jordan 9” vase
- Juliette Macrame
- Kalanchoe 4″
- Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi 6’’
- Kalanchoe hairy 3.5’’
- Katana Collection
- Katrina Chair
- Kuala grey plant cover
- La couronne d’automne de Tom
- La prairie bouquet
- La Prairie Dried Flower Bouquet
- La violette bouquet
- Lagurus
- Large dried palm leaf
- Large LED Photosynthesis Bulb
- Le bouquet Moutarde
- Le nouveau Versailles bouquet
- le parc Monceau bouquet
- Leah pot cover
- LED Photosynthesis Bulb
- Lemon tree 1 Gallon
- Lemon tree 3 gallons
- Lida sylver vase
- Lierre 5″
- Lily Macrame
- Lime 1 Gallon
- Lisianthus and eucalyptus
- Lisianthus at the bunch
- Local Dahlias Bouquet
- Local Sunflower Summer Promo
- Lonas séché
- Louis’ bouquet
- lunaria
- Macrame 1 shelf Ève
- Macramé 1 tablet Marie
- Macramé 3 tablets Céline
- Macrame Aurélie
- Macrame Boho
- Macrame Cécile
- Macrame Diane
- Macrame for mini bouquet
- Macrame Gabriel 1 tablet
- Macramé Madrid
- Macrame Mathilde
- Macrame Montreal
- Macrame Oslo
- Macrame Passionata
- Macramé Venise
- Macrame Whirlpool
- Mandevilla on 10″ wood lattice
- Mandevilla on 10″ wood lattice
- Mara Bottle
- Maranta
- Marius Fabre hand and body soap 200g.
- Marius Fabre Marseille Soap Bar
- Marius Fabre rotating Marseille soap
- Mateo pot cover
- Mathilde macrame curtain
- Mathilde’s 11″ cotton pot cover
- Mathilde’s bouquet
- Mathilde’s Funeral Arrangement
- MAX FLOWERS controlled release fertilizer
- Melaleuca Bracteata
- Miguel 4.5″ planter
- Mini bouquet of dried flowers of florist’s choice
- Mini Ivy 2.5″ at florist’s choice
- Mini œillet novelty sec
- Mini Rosebush
- Mixed holly bouquet
- Modern coffin cushion
- Mom’s Sweetness Bouquet
- Monadenium guenteri 3.5″
- Monstera 6″
- Monstera Albo 5″
- Monstera deliciosa 5″
- Monstera in a 6.5” hanging basket
- Monstera Karstenianum Peru 3.5″
- Monstera Swiss cheese
- Monstera thaï Constellation 3.5″
- Montana Bridal Bouquet
- Myrtille Bouquet
- Myrtille hoop
- Natural fertilizer for URBAN POTAGE
- Natural flower arrangement
- natural wreath vine from quebec
- Neon Philodendron 4’’
- Neon Philodendron 6”
- Nepenthes Carnivorous Plant 3.25”
- NI Macrame
- NL bouquet
- Nordic Santa Claus
- Oceane 5″ pot cover
- Olivier 6″ with its pot cover
- Olivier 6″ with its pot cover
- Olivier en pot de 4 pouces
- Ontario Hanoi Buttercup
- Opuntia 6’’
- Opuntia engelmannii
- Opuntia rufida 4’’
- Orange Anthurium
- Orange Phalaris
- Orchid bridal bouquet
- Orchid Phalaenopsis 2 stems with its planter
- Orchid with its 5” clay pot cover
- Organic repairing hand cream with olive oil with pump 200ml.
- Organic Sphagnum Moss 4L
- Ornithogalum 4″
- Orostachys Dunce Cap 4’’
- Oxalis
- Pachira 10”
- Pachira Aquatica 4’’
- Pachira aquatica 5″
- Pacifico pot cover
- Pampa fluffy
- Pampa Séchée Blanche
- Panama Pot Corail
- Panier en osier du marché
- Peperomia 3.5″
- Peperomia assorted 3.5”
- Peperomia clusiifoli variegata Jelly 4”
- Peperomia frost 5″
- Peperomia Happy Bean 4’’
- Peperomia melon argyreia 5’’
- Peperomia obtusa 6″
- Peperomia obtusifolia green 3.5″
- Peperomia Piccolo Banda 5’’
- Peperomia Pixie 6’’
- Peperomia Raindrop 5’’
- Peperomia red twist 4″
- Peperomia Rosso 3.5″
- Peperomia schumi red 5″
- Peperomia Watermelon 3.5″
- Perlite
- Petit bouquet fleurs séchées blanc et vert
- Phalaris mustard
- Phalaris Rouge
- Philodendron Batboy 3.5″
- Philodendron Birkin 4 pouces – 10 cm
- Philodendron birkin 7″
- Philodendron Brazil 10″
- Philodendron Brazil 4″
- Philodendron cordatum 4″
- Philodendron Cordatum 6’’
- Philodendron cordatum and pictus in a 10” hanging basket
- Philodendron Cordatum in a hanging basket
- Philodendron Emerald Red
- Philodendron florida ghost 3.5″
- Philodendron Green Congo 10″
- Philodendron Green princess 5″
- Philodendron impérial Green 10″
- Philodendron Lemon 4’’
- Philodendron little hope Xanadu 6″
- Philodendron Mican 3
- Philodendron Mican 6” in hanging basket
- Philodendron Mican 6″
- Philodendron monstera mini 6″
- Philodendron monstera mini 6″
- Philodendron Narrows Golden 3.5″
- Philodendron orange prince 6″
- Philodendron pink princess 3.5″
- Philodendron pink princess 6.5″
- Philodendron pink princess 6″
- Philodendron Prince of Orange 10”
- Philodendron red diamond 5”
- Philodendron red Emerald 6’’
- Philodendron Rojo Congo 10’’
- Philodendron Selloum 8’’
- Philodendron shangri-la 5″
- Philodendron Split leaf Minima 5″
- Philodendron white princess 3.5″
- Philodendron White Wizard 3.5″
- Philodendron Wilsonii Giganteum 10” NEED LOVE
- Philodendron xanadu 10’’
- Philodendron Xanadu 5″
- Phleum Pratensis sec
- Photos golden 3.5″
- Photos marble 3.5″
- Photosynthesis growth bulb
- Pichet Ceres
- Pictus 6″
- Pictus in hanging basket 10”.
- Pilea Aluminium 3.5’’
- Pilea aquamarine 4″
- Pilea aquamarine 6 inches
- Pilea Cadierei Aluminium 4’’
- Pilea Involucrata Friendship 4’’
- Pilea Peperomioïde
- Pineapple plant 5″
- Pink dried hydrangea from Quebec
- Pink dried pampa
- Pink Poinsettia
- Pivoines Amaretto
- place des Vosges bouquet
- Plante fleurie Bougainvillea
- Plastic pot
- Poinsettia Cinnamon
- Poinsettia Red Glitter
- Portulaca 10″
- Portulaca tree 6″ jade
- Pot – Cilindro greige
- Pot assorted 5″
- Pot Cabestan terre- cuite artisanale
- Pot calima basalte
- Pot en terre cuite Alto Volcano 27 cm
- Pot en terre cuite Etna Volcano
- Pot Florentine 3.5 pouces
- Pot Galestro Caspo 18cm
- Pot marble
- Pot Patavium Graffiato Greige 6″
- Pot terre cuite blanche Roccia
- Pot terre cuite blanche Vento 33cm
- Pot terre cuite Double rebord Terracotta 40cm – 15’’
- Pot terre cuite glacée Tall Conus gris noir
- Pot terre cuite Patavium greige 16 cm
- Pot volcano graph
- Pothos 10″ hanging basket
- Pothos exotica silver 4’’
- Pothos Golden
- Pothos Golden
- Pothos golden totem 10″
- Pothos Jade 3.5”
- Pothos Neon 6
- Pothos Pearls and Jade
- Pothos totem 6″
- Potting soil for African violets
- Potting soil for orchids
- Prairie Veil
- Preserved Eucalyptus
- Print by Natasha Prevost 5 x 7 inches
- Quebec Farmer Christmas Tree
- Quebec Fir Wreath
- Red Anthurium
- Red lipstick plant 6”.
- Red Poinsettia
- Red Setaria
- Rex 5″ Begonia
- Rhaphidophora tetrasperma 3.5”
- Rhaphidophora tetrasperma 5”
- Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma 6″
- Rhipsalis 6’’
- Rib Ridge Planter
- Roheo two-tone 4”
- Rosa White 5″ pot cover
- Rose Cappuccino Séchée
- Rotary Soap Refill
- Ruscus at the bunch
- Rust textured vase
- Rusty Toplaire Sphère
- Saint Tropez hoop
- Sanseviere 10″
- Sanseviere 10″ Tri Laurentii
- Sanseviere 6″ fernwood mikado
- Sanseviere at the florist’s choice
- Sansevière mikado 4″
- Sanseviere night Owl 5″
- Sansevière Whitney 6″
- Schefflera 10″
- Schefflera 6’’
- Schefflera Amate 12’’
- Schefflera Amate 14″
- Schefflera Amate Lemon 6’’
- Schefflera Arboricola 6’’
- Schefflera arboricola trinette 10″
- Schismatoglottis wallichii wallachian 3.5″
- Sedum burrito 6 or 8 inches
- Sedum dasyphyllum 4’’
- Sedum globular 4”
- Sedum Makinoi 3.5”
- Sedum Makinoi 5’’
- Sedum mexicana lemon coral 4.25”
- Sedum rubrotinctum 4’’
- Senecio big head 3.5″
- Senecio Big head hanging 6’’
- Senecio teardrops – string of beads
- Setaria séché pourpre
- Setcresea purple hart
- Shea hammam set
- Shell Macrame
- Silver Aglaonema
- Silvi Losanges 4.5″ pot cover
- Small dried palm leaf
- Small monstera 3.5″
- Small soap of Marseille Marius Fabre 150g.
- Snoopy and Eucalyptus Germini Bouquet
- Soft Colors Bouquet
- Soft hoop
- Soil for cacti and succulents
- Soliflore turquoise
- Soucoupe Volcano
- Soucoupe grafite 15 cm
- Soucoupe Patavium Graffiato 6 pouces
- Spathiphyllum 6″
- Spathiphyllum 8″
- Spathiphyllum in a 4 inch pot.
- Spathiphyllum sensation variegata 3.5″
- Spring bouquet
- Strawberry Begonia 3.5”
- Strelitzia / bird of paradise 6.75
- Strelizia / bird of paradise 10 inches
- Strelizia / bird of paradise 12 inches
- Strelizia / bird of paradise 14 inches
- String of Dolphins
- String of Dolphins 5″
- String of Dolphins 6″ in hanging basket
- String of pearls panaché 3.5”
- String of turtles 5″
- Stromanthe triostar 10″
- stylo JDM
- Succulents 6”
- Summer sun bouquet
- Support en fer noir et tube en verre
- Sweetness dried flowers bouquet
- Swiss Cheese 3.5″
- Swiss cheese 8″ – Monstera Adansonii
- Swiss cheese totem 14″
- Syngonium Lime 3.5’’
- Terracota pot brush
- Terracotta Pot
- Terrarium cover
- Tillandsia Biosphere
- Totem Foam Stake
- Tradescantia albiflora albovittata 3.5’’
- Tradescantia Nanouk
- Tradescantia navicularis 3.5″
- Tradescantia purple heart 3.5″
- Tradescantia sillamontana 4″
- Tradescantia Silver Spathacea hanging basket 6″
- Tradescantia White velvet 3.5’’
- Tradescantia Zebrina 3.5”
- Tradescantia zebrina 4″
- Triangle suspendu
- Tube verre fleuris
- Tulips
- Tulips and wax bouquet
- Tulips from Prince-Edward-Island
- Two tone céramique
- Valencia Macrame
- Valley pot cover
- Vase blanc et gris
- Vase Bleu/Vert
- Vase boise céramique Taupe
- Vase bouteille céramique
- Vase Bouteille Meghan
- Vase céramique
- Vase Céramique Nordic
- Vase churn earl grey 5″
- Vase cylindrique blanc 5″
- Vase jardin vintage
- Vase Lipton
- Vase Nia
- Vase nubby
- Vase Rose
- Vase texture Moutarde
- Vase texture Taupe
- Vintage Bouquet
- Vintage funeral arrangements
- Violet 4″
- Wallflower at the bunch
- Wallflower bouquet
- Warm Colors Bouquet
- Watermelon Peperomia 8”.
- Wax at the bunch
- Wax Flower Hybrid Bouquet
- Well-being gift box
- White Anthurium 5″
- White dried flowers bouquet
- White Marseille stain remover soap and baking soda
- White orchid waterfall 1 stem
- White Poinsettia
- White rustic flower arrangement
- white terracotta plate
- White terracotta pot Luna
- White vinegar
- Whitened Thistle
- Winter Bouquet
- Winter bouquet and its cotton branch
- Winter softness bouquet
- Wood and Metal Planter
- Wooden arch
- Yucatan pot cover
- Yucca 10″
- Zamioculcas zamifolia 14’’
- Zamioculcas zamifolia Midnight 6’’
- Zamioculcas Zamiifolia / ZZ plant
- Zamioculcas Zenzi 6″
- Zebra marmoratus 10″